in comfort of your home. And you have community of Beauty
experts backing-up your decision.
Your smart device
- UNIQUE device allow user to MIX their cosmetics recipes.
- With more than 10 000 diferent combination we are reducing need for numerous jars.
- Device serves COOLED or HEATED cosmetics.
- Ambiental lighting
- Bio PE capsuls we recycle up to 20 times (with our easy ordering system we deliver you a package with new capsules which we recycle).
Easy follow up
We kindly remind our costumers to replace their capsules just before it runs out, with user friendly ordering system with in app.
The project of
The co-financing of the operation "development of a smart dispenser for cosmetics" is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the Cohesion Fund / European Regional Development Fund / European Social Fund or, in the case of two or more funds, from the European Structural and Investment Funds. With the help of funds, we accelerate the development and launch of a system for personalizing cosmetics (based on a mobile application and a device for mixing and dosing cosmetics).
Sofinanciranje operacije “razvoja pametnega dozirnika za kozmetiko” sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Kohezijskega sklada / Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj / Evropskega socialnega sklada oziroma, v primeru dveh ali več skladov, iz evropskih strukturnih in investicijskih skladov. S pomočjo sredstev pospešujemo razvoj in lansiranje sistema za personalizacijo kozmetike (na podlagi mobilne aplikacije in naprave za mešanje in doziranje kozmetike).